

Kitchen Cutter MINI

Maschinen in Übereinstimmung mit CE Normen zu Hygiene- und Sicherheitsfragen.

Kitchen Cutter "MINI"


The kitchen cutter was designed for mincing, crumbling, cutting, homogenizing, kneading ,etc. different products (i.e. tomatoes, parsley,garlic, onion, chilly pepper, breadcrumbs, chocolate, dried fruit, mozzarella, meat, soft dough for cakes, vegetables,etc.) .Ideal to reduce working time preparation in professional kitchens. The action of the rotating blades allows a quick and simple operation,by keeping all organic properties of the products completeley intact.

All the information shown in this document (descriptions, technical specifications, pictures, prices etc.) are indicative only, not binding and can be changed without notice. Despite it, this document remains valid.

Eine Produktion 4.0 strikt Made in Italy: Virtuelle Tour in der Minerva Omega Gruppe ››

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