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22 June 2015 – Minerva Day

Festeggiato in azienda il 70° compleanno


E’ stato un pomeriggio di festa e celebrazione, ma anche di riflessione quello di ieri, 22 giugno, nel nostro stabilimento di Bologna. La storia della Minerva è iniziata ufficialmente il 22 giugno del 1945, quando nonno Mario Chiodini iniziava la sua attività imprenditoriale nella sede di via Del Parco, solo due mesi dopo la liberazione e la fine della guerra a Bologna. Con lui nonna Maria e poi fin da adolescente, la figlia Franca, che ieri, all’arrivo in azienda, ha avuto la gradita sorpresa dei festeggiamenti. “Tutti avete contribuito alla crescita e a questo traguardo– ha detto al suo ingresso nell’atrio la Sig.ra Franca – la storia è stata fatta da tutte le persone che hanno lavorato e che oggi lavorano per noi e sono presenti: i dipendenti e le loro famiglie, gli amici, i clienti, i fornitori e collaboratori. Un patrimonio umano che ha valorizzato questa azienda.”


Graditissima la presenza del Presidente di Unindustria Alberto Vacchi e della Tiziana Ferrari, del Vescovo ausiliare emerito Monsignor  Ernesto Vecchi, che ha impartito la sua benedizione, del Presidente di Bologna Fiere Duccio Campagnoli.


Durante una breve intervista di un giornalista la Sig.ra Franca Chiodini ha sottolineato con serenità e convinzione: “Io sono solo una traghettatrice dei valori e dell’imprenditorialità di mio papà Mario verso i miei figli Elisabetta, Andrea e Daniele, che rappresentano il futuro di questa azienda… “.  



La Minerva di Chiodini Mario celebrates 70 years in business


“1945 – 2015. Seventy years designing and manufacturing meat processing machines used in catering, food processing and packaging centres in the food industry. Seventy years of mechanical experience, with a strong determination to keep production in Italy, despite the great difficulties, to safeguard employment, Made in Italy excellence around the world, skills and the quality of our products.


We are now in the third generation of the family, and we are still firmly rooted in the strong family tradition and the ethical relationships with all of our contacts: employees, suppliers, customers, institutions and external companies.


The company represents the history and the image of our family: recognisability, strategy, strong links with the local territory, strong marketing and international sales, with the certainty of offering the market products with excellent quality, price, performance, safety and duration.


In the last decade the company has acquired and incorporated some competitors: firstly Artex of Bologna, then Omega, and with it many other long-standing brands such as Ceg, General Machine, Regina, Suprema, well-known around the world. Thanks to these important acquisitions, La Minerva is now the Minerva Omega Group, a further strengthened company with a strong global presence, one of the market's most comprehensive ranges, a consolidated client portfolio and a presence in every food sector, both in large wholesale and retail in every country in the world - all integrated by top quality customer service. We still invest heavily in equipment, automated production lines and in the development of new machine models, because we believe in quality as a result of commitment from the team and the organisation. We defend and support Made in Italy production with all of our strength, without delocalisation. Our investment in keeping ourselves technologically and qualitatively competitive is considerable. Excellence, skill and quality are crucial values for us. We are firmly and determinedly focused on the future.”

Salati Chiodini family

Solely Made in Italy production 4.0. Virtual Tour of Minerva Omega Group ››

Throughout our 75 years in business, our machines have earned themselves a high-profile spot on the international market for manufacturing quality and safety. In this section, you can take a virtual tour of the various departments at our production facility.

Use the plan view to discover our organisation and our production 4.0 Enter ››

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